Q & A: Following Strange gods: Metatron & Leviathan on NYSTV (June 9, 2019)
Following Strange gods: Metatron & Leviathan on NYSTV (June 9, 2019)
Genres / Categories: Midnight Ride 2019
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Metatron’s cube is a vehicle in which those who ascend the Kabbalah tree of life cross over to Ein Soph, the god of the Jews in order to fellowship in the realm of Keter the highest or pinnacle of their spiritual tree or what is synonymous with Lucifer’s kingdom.
It’s like a Venus fly trap for souls. Once they enter it is very hard to get them released even in Jesus name. See Dan Duvall’s exposing Kabbalah series on YouTube.com
This is the ABCs of Kabbalah. Elementary principles. No one knows Kabbalah here yet.